Today’s students will one day join a talent pool and workforce that includes thousands of CSU graduates who have been influencing and advancing society’s collective good for the better part of 50 years.

Facing the unimaginable, she yet flourishes

A couple years ago, Maci Nestlerode’s father suffered a spinal cord injury, leaving him in a wheelchair. “I never expected...

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Fergus Chair in Accounting

Posted May 01, 2017 in Articles

Alumnus Terrence Fergus and his wife Mary established the Terrence P. Fergus Endowed Chair in Accounting with a gift of $1 million. By supporting an Accounting Chair in the Monte Ahuja College of Business, the fund is helping to enhance the Accounting Department’s regional and national visibility. Fergus, who earned a bachelor of business administration degree in 1982, is a member of the CSU Foundation Board of Directors and the College of Business Visiting Committee. He is the president and principal partner of FSM Capital Management, LLC, a Cleveland-based wealth management services company. He and his wife have six children and... read more

Foundation Supports Honors Science/Health Scholarships

Posted March 20, 2017 in Articles

With a $1 million grant, the David and Inez Myers Foundation created The David and Inez Myers Honors Scholars Fund. Over the next four years, the fund will provide full scholarships to 25 students who... read more

Fostering Leadership and Success

Posted February 16, 2017 in Articles

[image:1] CSU has earned national recognition for its pioneering efforts to improve educational opportunity for foster care youth – one of the least likely populations to attend college. Those efforts received a significant boost with a... read more

Alumni Pay It Forward

Posted January 20, 2017 in Articles

[image:1] With a $50,000 gift, David J. ('76 BBA, '80 MBA) and Anne T. ('77 BS) Fornari established The Fornari Family Foundation Scholarship Fund in the Monte Ahuja College of Business to support academically successful seniors... read more

$100,000 gift will create the John and Patricia Thompson Seminar Series at CSU

Posted December 16, 2016 in Articles

Cleveland State University alumni John and Patricia Thompson have made a $100,000 gift to the university to support the creation of the John and Patricia Thompson GRHD Seminar Series hosted at CSU’s Center for Gene... read more

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