Today’s students will one day join a talent pool and workforce that includes thousands of CSU graduates who have been influencing and advancing society’s collective good for the better part of 50 years.

Becoming a valedictorian

When CSU senior Ellen Rea got word that she had landed a job at GE Aviation as an aerospace...

Thank you for investing in our students. Your support is transforming lives, igniting hope and pulling dreams within reach.

Support CSU

No matter the size, each gift helps ensure student success. Thank you for making a gift in support of our students, our University and our region.

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Foundation Relations

Foundation Relations links the targeted interests and funding opportunities of the foundation community with the philanthropic needs of the campus community. While advancing the missions and strategic initiatives of foundations and the University, these partnerships also advance economic development and quality of life in Northeast Ohio.

Foundation funding significantly impacts the engaged learning experience for students at Cleveland State, as well as research and scholarship opportunities for faculty. Gifts and grants provide much-needed financial support for:

  • Scholarships
  • Academic programs
  • Professorships and Endowed Chairs
  • Capital projects
  • Service programs

Foundation Relations helps match the funding interests of foundations with campus needs through coordinating grant/sponsorship/partnership information, planning efforts, proposal development and stewardship activities. 

Foundation Relations works with foundations to ensure their goals are met by:

  • Connecting foundations with CSU faculty and staff
  • Assisting with proposal identification, coordination and development
  • Planning on-campus site visits
  • Editing and writing letters of inquiry and proposals
  • Providing institutional data
  • Preparing grant reports 

Your investment and partnership with CSU on social issues and community challenges furthers your Foundation’s impact – today and in the future. 

Let’s Partner

We look forward to working with you to build new strategic partnerships -- and strengthen existing collaborations – between Cleveland State University and the corporate community.

Nancy R. Starner
Senior Director, Corporate and Foundation Relations


Brenda Driscoll
Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations


Photo Gallery

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