Today’s students will one day join a talent pool and workforce that includes thousands of CSU graduates who have been influencing and advancing society’s collective good for the better part of 50 years.

Engineering a sustainable future

Kristen Reyes quite literally wants to the leave the world a better place. “I believe that we’re all stewards of...

Thank you for investing in our students. Your support is transforming lives, igniting hope and pulling dreams within reach.

Support CSU

No matter the size, each gift helps ensure student success. Thank you for making a gift in support of our students, our University and our region.

make a gift today

Your gift can last forever

Uncover a way to give that ensures your support never stops

Consider establishing an endowment.  It's a powerful way to make a gift to the Cleveland State University Foundation that continues indefinitely, while also realizing tax benefits for your kindness.

How an endowment works

You give cash, securities or other assets to an endowment fund you create.  Another option is to contribute to our already established endowment.

If you can't give up assests today, consider making the gift in your will, specifying that your gift be used to fund an endowment.  The minimum gift to create an endowment is $25,000.

One we receive your gift, we will use a small portion to support our crucial needs.  The balance of your endowment fund will remain invested, however, to ensure it lasts forever.


Let's say you would like to make sure the Cleveland State University Foundation receives $2,500 every year after your lifetime.  If we spend 5 percent of our endowment each year and reinvest the difference to offset inflation, you would need to donate $50,000 to continue your $2,500 annual gift indefinitely.

To calculate other potential scenarios, simply divide the amount you would like us to receive each year by the percentage in the endowment spending policy.  This will give you the amount you would need to donate to extend your annual gift forever.

Contact us for more information about making a gift that will help secure Cleveland State University's future.

For more information, contact Julie Rehm at 216.523.7275 or

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