Today’s students will one day join a talent pool and workforce that includes thousands of CSU graduates who have been influencing and advancing society’s collective good for the better part of 50 years.

Becoming a valedictorian

When CSU senior Ellen Rea got word that she had landed a job at GE Aviation as an aerospace...

Thank you for investing in our students. Your support is transforming lives, igniting hope and pulling dreams within reach.

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No matter the size, each gift helps ensure student success. Thank you for making a gift in support of our students, our University and our region.

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Attainment By Division

Attainment division chart rev060717

Sources of Gifts and Pledges


Where the Money Goes


New Commitments

(includes Gifts, Pledges and Planned Giving)



(includes Gifts and Pledge Payments)


Funds Under Investment

(as of June 30, 2016)

Funds under investment

Endowment Portfolio Performance

(As of June 30, 2016)

Endowment portfolio performance

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