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$100,000 gift will create the John and Patricia Thompson Seminar Series at CSU

Posted December 16, 2016 in Articles

Cleveland State University alumni John and Patricia Thompson have made a $100,000 gift to the university to support the creation of the John and Patricia Thompson GRHD Seminar Series hosted at CSU’s Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease (GRHD).

The series will bring in nationally and internationally-recognized scientists in the fields of molecular biology and genetics to present research seminars to GRHD faculty and students. It will also create additional opportunities for GRHD researchers at all career stages - from undergraduates to faculty - to network with leading scientists in the field conducting cutting edge work at the frontiers of biomedical science.

“This gift will further assist us in providing unique opportunities to our faculty and students to engage with world renowned experts in the fields of molecular biology and genetics,” says Dr. Anton A. Komar, director of GRHD. “We are extremely grateful to John and Patricia Thompson for their support of GRHD.”

Since its inception in 2008, the Center for Gene Regulation in Health and Disease has become one of the leading gene research centers in the country with a focus on improving the understanding of basic biological processes and how the malfunction of these processes result in numerous diseases. In the past 8 years the Center’s researchers have received more than $20 million in extramural funding and produced over 160 peer-reviewed journal articles.

This is the second major gift for the Center this fall. In October, GRHD received a $1 million anonymous gift which will fund graduate scholarships, post-doctoral fellowships, pilot and bridge research projects, and equipment needs.

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